Updated 27th Nov 2023
This Code of Conduct applies to all Hawke’s Bay Rowing Club (“Club”) members, volunteers and persons participating/connected to Club activities.

This Code outlines your rights and responsibilities, whatever your role or ability.  You should encourage others to follow it and recognise you have a duty and care to all Club members.


Your responsibilities:

  • Agree to abide by the Code of Conduct and support the Club in reinforcing its values and achieving its objectives.
  • Learn the rules of competitive rowing.
  • Respect decisions made by others.
  • Never use violence or bad language.
  • Use the appropriate rules and guidelines to resolve disputes and disagreements.
  • Conduct yourself in a sportsman-like manner, follow and understand the principles of fair play. 
  • Take part in your sport without cheating.
  • Comply with training, competition and behavioural requirements while in training and be on time to training.
  • To be aware that media within my possession (movies, printed material and music) should reflect well on the Club, my School and myself.
  • Not behave in a way that is discriminatory, bullying, harassing, racist, sexist violent, abusive, exclusionary or otherwise inappropriate towards members, opponents, coaches, officials and volunteers.
  • Not post, share or engage with any social media content relating to the Club, volunteers, officials, coaches, opponents or members that is objectionable, exclusionary, targeted or disrespectful or that may be perceived as such.
  • Understand that the Club does not tolerate bullying, including via social media and digital communication, and you agree to abide by this rule.
  • Do not participate in or benefit from, sports betting or gambling activities associated with rowing events and/or rowing results in which you are participating.
  • Understand and abide by the rules set by Rowing New Zealand and the Club.
  • Understand the complaints process and follow the proper procedure if you feel unjustly treated.
  • Ensure all subscriptions and monies payable as a result of becoming a member of the Club are paid on time and acknowledge that failure to pay those amounts will result in exclusion from rowing events.
  • Respect coaches, officials, volunteers, administrators,  fellow rowers and opponents and never behave in a way that could reflect badly on the Club, your crew and yourself.
  • Ensure that your coach is informed regarding absenteeism, medical conditions or other relevant matters.
  •   Wear your row suit correctly at all times (this applies to all athletes).
  • Be free of drugs and other performance-enhancing substances within the guidelines of the Drug Free Sport New Zealand.
  • Consent to a comprehensive safety check pursuant to Part 3 of the Children’s Act 1994 if you spend time with athletes overnight at regattas or at least once each week. Contact includes verbal communication in person or electronically and any written communications.

If you have any questions, difficulties or do not understand the above responsibilities, ask your parent/guardian, coach or other trusted adult for help.



You are our volunteers. You should help and support events and the implementation of best practice policies.

Your responsibilities:

  • Agree to abide to the Code of Conduct and support the Club in reinforcing its values and achieving its objectives.
  • Ensure that your child/children abide by the Code of Conduct.
  • Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse or unsportsmanlike behaviour from sporting activities.
  • Respect and abide by coaches’ and officials’ decisions and teach children to do likewise.
  • Understand the complaints process and follow the proper procedure if you feel unjustly treated.
  • Respect coaches, officials, volunteers and administrators and their roles within the Club.
  • To volunteer at at least one regatta per season.
  • Ensure that the Club and your child’s coach is informed regarding absenteeism, medical and behavioural conditions or other relevant matters concerning your child and support the Club as required regarding your child’s medical and behavioural conditions.
  • Provide the Club and your child with emergency contact information and be available to support the Club (in relation to your child) in case of an emergency.
  • Ensure all subscriptions and monies payable as a result of becoming a member of the Club are paid on time and acknowledge that failure to pay those amounts will result in exclusion from rowing events.
  • Know your child’s training and/or competitive programme and accept that it is your responsibility to deliver and collect your child on time
  • Abide by the Child Protection Policy
  • Consent to a comprehensive safety check pursuant to Part 3 of the Children’s Act 1994 if you spend time with athletes overnight at regattas or at least once each week. Contact includes verbal communication in person or electronically and any written communications.

If you have any questions or concerns or do not understand any of the above responsibilities, arrange an appropriate time to discuss the matter with a manager of coach.


  • Your responsibilities:
  • Agree to abide by the Code of Conduct and support the Club in reinforcing its values and achieving its objectives.
  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every individual athlete.
  • Understand and comply with the rules and regulations of Rowing New Zealand and the Club.
  • Work collaboratively with other coaches and club members and contribute positively towards development and competition discussions.
  • Do not participate in, or benefit from, sports betting or gambling activity associated with rowing events and/or rowing results in which you are participating.
  • Operate within the rules of your sport and in the spirit of fair play while encouraging your athletes to do the same.
  • Advocate a sporting environment free of drugs and other performance enhancing substances within the guidelines of the Drug Free Sport New Zealand.
  • Confidential information relating to athletes will be respected and handled with discretion. 
  • Be a positive role model for your sport and athletes.
  • Refrain from initiating a relationship with an athlete under the age of 18, and discourage any attempt by an athlete to initiate an inappropriate relationship with you.
  • Seek advice and assistance from others when additional expertise is required.
  • Adopt appropriate risk management strategies to ensure that the training and/or competition environment is safe.
  • Encourage athletes to seek medical advice when required and be considerate towards sick/injured athletes who are following medical advice.
  • Be alert to any forms of abuse directed towards athletes from other sources while in their care.
  • Abide by the Child Protection Policy.
  • Not behave in a way that is discriminatory, bullying, harassing, racist, sexist violent, abusive, exclusionary or otherwise inappropriate towards members, opponents, coaches, officials and volunteers.
  • Not post, share or engage with any social media content relating to the Club, volunteers, officials, coaches, opponents or members that is objectionable, exclusionary, targeted or disrespectful or that may be perceived as such.
  • Understand that the Club does not tolerate bullying, including via social media and digital communication, and you agree to abide by this rule.


Committee members must undertake the following responsibilities to best lead and manage the Club to the best of their ability for the benefit of all rowers.

Your responsibilities:

  • Agree to abide by the Code of Conduct and support the Club in reinforcing its values and achieving its objectives.
  • Carry out your required duties for the Club, understanding that the welfare of children is paramount.
  • Be professional, fair, considerate and honest with others.
  • Resolve conflicts fairly and promptly through established procedures.
  • Follow the Club’s policies and procedures.
  • Keep and store securely all documentation with respect to meetings, correspondence and minutes of committee meetings.
  • Set up, maintain and revise rules when needed in the best interests of the Club; these rules must be communicated to the relevant members.
  • Ensure effective communication with members through recognised means e.g. email, web posting, social media etc.
  • Retain confidential/sensitive information which you are made aware of as your role.
  • Consent to a comprehensive safety check pursuant to Part 3 of the Children’s Act 1994 if you spend time with athletes overnight at regattas or at least once each week. Contact includes verbal communication in person or electronically and any written communications.
  • Abide by the Child Protection Policy


Remember that throughout the entire volunteer experience you are representing yourself and the Club. All volunteers of the Club are expected to conduct themselves in a friendly, courteous and professional manner.

Your responsibilities:

  • Agree to abide by the Code of Conduct and support the Club in reinforcing its values and achieving its objectives.
  • Do not use abusive language or disrespectful behaviour towards other volunteers, club members, or the public, either verbally or physically.
  • Place the safety and welfare of the participants above all else.
  • Respect the possessions and property of the Club.
  • Respect other volunteers and the public.
  • No illegal drugs or substances are to be consumed during any volunteering events or activities.
  • Retain confidential/sensitive information which you are made aware of in your role.
  • Treat all representatives of other clubs/regions with respect and encourage athletes and coaches to act in a similar way.
  • Abide by the Child Protection Policy.
  • Consent to a comprehensive safety check pursuant to Part 3 of the Children’s Act 1994 if you spend time with athletes overnight at regattas or at least once each week. Contact includes verbal communication in person or electronically and any written communications.


Rowers, coaches, chaperones and parents travelling with the Club represent themselves, the club, the sport of rowing and their community when they travel to regattas and events.

The Club wants to project an image that makes all of us proud of our sport and our rowers. Therefore all individuals representing or travelling on behalf of the Club should abide by the following responsibilities. These apply from the point of departure until returning home.

Your responsibilities:

  • Agree to abide by the Code of Conduct.
  • Responsible, appropriate and orderly behaviour is expected by all members at all times.
  • Accommodation etiquette of the highest calibre is mandatory; respect others in the vicinity.
  • Male and female rowers must not be in each other’s rooms with the door closed at any time.
  • Athletes from other teams are not allowed in rower’s rooms, unless explicit approval has been given by the volunteer supervisors.
  • All members must respect each individual’s need for rest and study times.
  • Curfews, as determined by the volunteer supervisors and coaches must be adhered to at all times.
  • Wear your row suit correctly at all times (this applies to all athletes).
  • Rowers should take responsibility to report any behaviour that does not adhere to the Code of Conduct to the coaches or chaperone.
  • The Club’s uniform must be worn as required.

Regatta Manager:

  • Responsible for the supervision of travel and accommodation facilities
  • Liaise with the Club Captain and Coaches where necessary, but his/her decision will be final.
  • Deal with any inappropriate behaviour

Bus Travel to Regattas:

  • All school aged rowers are to travel to regattas by bus where one is organised by the Club.
  • All trips will be supervised by someone appointed by the Regatta Manager.

The bus supervisor's decision will be final on:

  • Behaviour issues
  • Food/comfort stops
  • No alcohol, vapes or cigarettes will be permitted on bus trips


The Regatta Manager will be responsible for allocating the accommodation at the regatta venue

  • All rooms will be single sex

The club will not permit:

  • Any sexual behaviour
  • Abuse – verbal or otherwise
  •     Food items will be restricted to snack food only in the rooms
  •      No alcohol, vapes or cigarettes will be permitted in the sleeping accommodation at any time

Leave of Absence:

Rowers wishing to absent themselves from the accommodation must:

  • Obtain the agreement of the Regatta Manager or delegated volunteer supervisor
  • Return before the agreed curfew time

Lights Out

The Regatta Manager will:

  • Determine bedtime
  • Determine Lights Out
  • Have the final say on any disruptions being caused

Coaches, Supporters and Persons other than Rowers will not be subject to curfew times but will be aware of rowers' needs and refrain from disrupting them in any way.


Catering is a joint responsibility and all those travelling are expected to help out.

The Regatta Manager will:

  • Appoint persons/club members
  • Liaise with such persons
  • Deal with any difficulties with any rowers
  • Advise all persons using accommodation of meal times and catering arrangements.

Disciplinary Issues

In case of misbehaviour or where disciplinary issues arise, the Regatta Manager may deal with such matters immediately, and where it is considered appropriate, no further action may be taken.

In any event, all instances involving alcohol, cigarettes, vapes or drugs must be reported to the Regatta Manager, Club Captain or Senior Coach.

Any team member who does not agree with the responsibilities listed above, may be banned from participating on team trips.

Infractions will be dealt with on an individual basis and action may be taken immediately or after return.

Leave of Absence:

Rowers wishing to absent themselves from the accommodation must:

  • Obtain the agreement of the regatta manager or delegated volunteer supervisor
  • Return before the agreed curfew time

Lights Out

The regatta manager will:

  • Determine bedtime
  • Determine Lights Out
  • Have final say on any disruptions being caused

Coaches, Supporters and Persons other than Rowers will not be subject to curfew times but will be aware of rowers needs and refrain from disrupting them in any way.


Catering is a joint responsibility and all those travelling are expected to help out

The regatta manager will:

  • Appoint persons/club members
  • Liaise with such persons
  • Deal with any difficulties with any rowers
  • Advise all persons using accommodation of meal times and catering arrangements.

Disciplinary Issues

In case of misbehaviour or where disciplinary issues arise, the Regatta Manager may deal with such matters immediately, and where it is considered appropriate, no further action may be taken.

In any event, all instances involving alcohol or drugs must be reported to the Regatta Manager, Club Captain or Senior Coach.

Any team member who does not agree with the responsibilities listed above may be banned from participating on team trips.

Infractions will be dealt with on an individual basis, and action may be taken immediately or after return.

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